Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Delicious Halibut = Smelly House

Tonight I grilled some amazing halibut on the stove. And although my dinner was yummy, it left a nasty smell lingering in the house. Seeing as how we are still having 110 degree weather out here in the desert, I couldn't just open our windows and let it air out. So began the search online.....and this is what I found. It totally worked!! I brought a pot of water to a boil and added the juice of three lemons plus the rinds. I then added a few dashes of cinnamon and nutmeg. Then continued to let it boil for 30 minutes and let it sit on the stove for another 30 min. after that. My house smells fresh and clean with a hint of baking cookies (must be from the cinnamon & nutmeg). Brilliant and so "green" not having to use air fresheners that not only pollute our air but irritate my allergies.


Nina said...

I totally have to try that! Matt and I are always stinking up the house with fish or bacon or grease. Thanks for the tip!

Oscar said...

That's a good tip! You can do something similar for your microwave oven when you clean it.

Also, if the lemmon gets to be too strong, you can add a couple of whole cloves to the water to sweeten the smell.