Saturday, June 7, 2008

Desert Wild Life leads to Blonde Moment!

Out here in the desert, we see everything from coyotes, hawks, lizards, iguanas, rattlesnakes, frogs, bearded dragons, road runners, etc. The other morning I woke up at about 5 AM to let the dogs out to go potty. I noticed a little critter on the wall of our house that I had never seen before. He was up really high and pretty far from where I was standing, but he appeared to be some type of a desert reptile, possibly a horned toad or desert tortoises.....but I couldn't really tell....the sun was just beginning to rise and was still a little dark out. There is new home being built behind our house and all I could think is that this poor animal's habitat was disrupted and now he is stuck up on our block wall.

I ran to get my camera and took a few shots of him, but still couldn't quite tell what he was because I couldn't see his face. I proceeded to wake up Jeremy, "Honey, you have got to come see this!! There is a weird animal on our block wall."Jeremy was not happy to get out of bed, but like the good husband that he is, he gave into my curiosity. He walks to the back patio and without saying anything, he immediately turns around and heads back to the bedroom. I said, "Where are you going?" He said, "I am going back to sleep. That is a piece of concrete......not an animal....... and it has been up on the wall for the past two weeks. One of the construction guys must have put it up there." He continues to giggle as he climbs back into our bed. I was left in shock realizing:
1) What a blonde moment I had just had?
2) I need to get my eyes checked again.
3) I was very sad that my little discovery was nothing more then a stupid rock.

Here are the pics and you decide for yourself. Objects appear much different at 5 AM in the morning. I swear it looks like a frog or turtle.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok I know this is an old entry.. but dude you are right that totally looks like some sort of horned toad or something... I'm with ya seester... hahaha