Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Big Bear Birthday

There is nothing like the fresh air at 6000 ft. elevation!! The beautiful pine trees and the clear blue skies!! It is absolutely heaven to me!! We celebrated my birthday a little early this year with a trip to the cabin in Big Bear. My Dad, Cheryl, Lindsay, Garrett, Baby Mia, Jeremy, Boomer, Brady and I had a very relaxing and fun weekend. Friday afternoon we spent in the back yard enjoying the much cooler weather then we are used to out in the desert. Jeremy threw the tennis ball for Boomer and Brady until they couldn't run anymore!! Then we all headed out to The Village for dinner at my favorite Mexican resteraunt El Jacalito and ended the night with some dancing and classic rock at Chad's Place (the local biker bar.....there are some interesting characters there!). My Dad even danced a little when the band played the Rolling Stones. Saturday morning, we took the dogs for a nice long hike. We came across a beautiful valley and meadow where there were quite a few ranch style cabins with horses, sheep and goats. Did I mention how much I love it there? We then headed to the classic car show in The Village that had more the 500 cars. My Dad and Jeremy were in heaven when they came across a couple Convertible Cameros and a Shelby Mustang Convertible that was just gorgeous. I was in heaven because they had an old fashioned ice cream parlor where I spoiled myself with the best root beer float I have ever had in my life! The night ended with a delicious dinner at Cheryl's family's cabin and a concert in Fawnskin at the Discover Center. The Discover Center is an outdoor amphitheater and had such a wonderful turn out from the community. I really appreciated the sense of a "small town" atmosphere. The band was "The Answer" who played classic rock and some oldies as well. They were very entertaining and great for all ages to enjoy. We all danced the night away. Sunday morning we packed up and headed to the lake so that Boomer could go for a swim!! That dog just absoultely loves the water! He was diving under the water and trying to bite the waves. Our little prince Brady went in the water but only up to his mid-legs......which is better then I thought he would do because he hates his bath's at home. I didn't get any pictures of them swimming, but it was entertaining to say the least. It was such a great way to spend my birthday.

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